Friday, September 9, 2011

911 intelligence: 3 suspected car bomb attack in New York

In commemoration of the nation's tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the eve of the 8th U.S. officials issued a new warning that terrorists may use car carrying a bomb, another attack in the United States, possibly in New York City or Washington, the goal is to bridge tunnel.Officials stressed that the intelligence "to be credible but uncertain"; Obama have heard the morning of the 8th national security briefing, ordered to strengthen counter-terrorism measures.
Nine hundred and eleven terrorist attacks in New York City where, in all major traffic points and tourist attractions to enhance the alert, "all unknown towing vehicle."Mayor Bloomberg (Michael Bloomburg), New York City Police Director General Kelly (Ray Kelly) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation New York Secretary Janice.Fei Deke (Janice Fedarcyk) 8 night held an emergency press conference, stressed that the threat of terrorist attack "credible" (credible).Currently, the Federation has mobilized efforts to trace the intelligence.
U.S. officials requested anonymity, said that according to intelligence, there are three terrorists sneak into the United States in August, ready to use truck or car load of explosives, launched terrorist attacks.But officials did not elaborate.
Part of the anti-terrorism officials said the Wall Street Journal, the September 11 terrorist attack is a special tenth anniversary of the day, Al-Qaeda militants from Pakistan, probably in Washington and New York plans to launch a series of car bomb attacks.He said that although Al Qaeda "has been defeated, but they will strive to use every possible way to attack the United States."

New York City and Washington have increased vigilance, increased patrols, "some visible, some in the dark."New York City Police, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said police would also strengthen the tunnels, bridges, ferries, landmark building inspection, and actively towing illegal parked vehicles and check suspicious backpack on the subway train.He said police have deployed heavy weapons proficiency police stationed outside in Manhattan, for the timely response.
Some officials privately asked to remain anonymous since it dealt with threat intelligence, then using stronger warning, one officer even said: "The incident is still forming." Threat seems that Washington and New York City on, but not in other cities excluded.
American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television reported, according to senior U.S. officials, the three terror suspects one of whom is a U.S. citizen, they began to travel from Afghanistan, and finally arrived in the United States.
New York Times reports, they disappeared in Kansas City, Missouri, the anti-terrorist officers have found their rented two trucks.

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